Friday, July 24, 2009

It is so strange to have all these men in my life who think I am a mind reader, most notably my 3 y.o.

I am not.

Shoppe dog

This could be the resurection people

Shot of the shoppe
So if I am reading my iPhone right, this message will post to my blog. Testing.

Also I made some soup.

You Know You Should Stop Drinking pt 52

I was just so sure my ass looked slammin in these jeans. There are app 26 shots of various angles of my ass. I feel like I need to share with the world (hi both of you) what a complete asshole I am.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

eff me

Told by my husband, "Of course I havemore fun without you", Check.

Accused by my SBF of hooking up with someone, as if I am not An invisible old ugly hag. Check.

Sobbing in shower. Check.

Piece of glass the size of and eyelash stuck in my foot that bled like shit and hurt alot. Check

Bus driver pulling away looking Me in the eye. Check.

It is 9:15am.

Running to bus but he stopped this time the tides are turning.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

My first entry sent from my iPhone

Ok you'll have to forgive the weird wording, iPhones are not for the fat of fingers. Also apple seems sure to know exactly what your thinking and the don't always accept corrections. So the boy and i are on our anual east coast trip. It has been fun, really fun. Today is Tuesday I think. We arrived Saturday morning after a hellish trip. On my efforts to 'save time' I have really jacked myself up. Also I haven't bathed in a house since I left california. My parents live on a lake here and swimming is way better than standing in a boring old shower. Also I need my sweat and stink shell to protect myself from the masses.

I am back on my anti depressants, zoloft. It was really sketchy Here for a while. Hit a nasty bump in early may and was coersed back on them. But now I am calm to the point of indifference. I am inorgasmic, not that it matters. Except it kinda does. It is just a bummer what I have to trade off to not be totally mental. Just weird. I mean I guess it is a trade, apathy for agitation. The no orgasm thing couldbe from the perfectly legal prescription of Valium I aquired. Makes me sleepy and literally a million miles away. See normally I would be too embarrassed to talk about my orgasms let alone my inability to make a go of it. Yet here I am.

Aren't you glad I broke my silence for this oversharing post?