Thursday, September 29, 2005


Holy shit it is Hot here. I am not sure that it even hit 80 today let me check...
So I guess it was 80 here. But it often doesn't get that hot. I am sweaty and miserable feeling. Does this stop me from eating? No. Does it stop me from eating the mozzarella cheese that I am pretty sure is giving me intestinal distress? No.

I was trying to order some diaper covers because all of my current diaper covers are newborn and good until about 10 lbs. When do babies get to be 10 lbs? After a little research - it seems that it can be somewhere like 6 weeks to 2 months; of course depending on how big the baby was at birth. But the babies goal is to double its birth weight by 4 months. I did not know this and thought y'all should know too.

Is it weird that I am getting weepy thinking that they really do grow so fast?
I am 31 weeks today. The last week of my seventh month. It really seemed like it has flown by - even though I have been pregnant for most of this year.
The baby will put on like 2 lbs this month, doubling the 2 lbs he weighs now.

Maybe is the heat and my extra sweaty right pit.
I am feeling weird and weepy.

I was listening to Ben Folds Five song "Gracie" and I was bawling! bordering on sobbing.

If anyone is looking for a clutch puss rock album, allow me to recommend Nada Surf's Let Go
They are playing here October 21st. Can I still go to shows 34 weeks pregnant?

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