Friday, October 21, 2005

To Doula or not to Doula

So yesterday I went to this place because they are a really good doula resource apparently. I really didn't know what to think. I knew there would be binders where doulas wrote down their experience and training and shit. And I was guess I would learn a little more about fees. I am not sure what I expected in the fee department. I know that I didn't expect to see prices that ranged from $800-$1800 smackers. I think I gasped a loud. That seems like an assload of money. So basically I am rethinking the doula thing right now. I mean, a thousand bucks? I could get the drugs, since insurance covers that but not the doula, and then go to Palm Springs or Tahoe with the baby and have a nice little vacation and try to deal with my disappointment.

My friend had a baby in the same place we are having #1. She got her bill it was close to $40,000 to have her baby! holy fucking shit people.

We set up the crib last night. It is the cutest thing. I had no idea the profound effect seeing the crib would have. I put all his little toys in there. Don't worry - I know, no toys in the crib, he could jam them in his mouth and suffocate. But they look so cute in there...for now.


Llama_school said...

Ooh, makes me want another. Is the bedding Design Public?

kristenL said...

no it is Dwell Baby.
They have the cutest designs it was hard to choose.

April said...

The bedding is beautiful...