Monday, January 16, 2006

Just to clarify

You know how you all have that friend that you only hear from when they want to bitch? That is me. I only write when I am freaking out.
honestly this whole baby thing is unbelievable 90% of the time. You hear from me that 10% of the ugly, meltdown part.

jon brought me a shit load of bagels back from NYC, see - silver lining.


Jo said...

Just started reading your blog.. it will get better. Lord knows the first couple months were hell. Same happened here with the breastfeeding as well. I didn't know why I pumped. *Assvice*
Can you find someone to watch the baby for a few hours? Take a bath and a nap. It's amazing how better you will feel.

kristenL said...

welcome joanne
assvice readily accepted!

Llama_school said...

I haven't been online in awhile, just read the last few weeks of posts. Wanted to confirm my fanship, I can't believe you find time to post at all. My head was so up my ass the first six weeks. No, months. Good job, and he's the cutest.