Wednesday, February 15, 2006

It begins

So Jon just left. I think the hardest days are the first one and the last one. But my parents arrive tomorrow night sometime. I have a playdate tomorrow with my old pre-natal yoga teacher and Mia. There is this mommy's group that meets at a local coffee shop at 1pm that I may check out.
Also PR is on tonight if I can stay awake for it.
Our V-day was kind of bittersweet. I think the trip was just looming over us as we ate our sushi. So that means a lot of tense, forced, conversation. I think we both just sort of shut down as to make the departure less painful.
When jon was saying "Bye Little, I love you" I thought I was going to lose it.


MrsFortune said...

Okay, this isn't about this post but your current reading list - The Happiest Baby on the Blockare you finding it helpful at all? Or is the guy's writing style just do majorly pedantic and ridiculous that you can't get past it? Just wondering if it was only me who feels that way about his style.

MrsFortune said...

I meant to say "so" majorly pedantic, not "do" majorly pedantic ...