Wednesday, May 28, 2008


So my in-laws were in town over the long weekend.

Good, j and I went and saw Indiana Jones. We went to a fabulous, spendy dinner.

Not So Good, the woman just drives me nuts, she knows exactly how to push my buttons. She literally drives me to the bottle.

I was very poorly behaved.

MIL insisted on staying at the house while E napped, so j and I could run errands. He got out of bed 2x for her and "i didn't have the heart to put him back." So E got no nap that day. Funny bit it was just that morning she was remarking that 'maybe he was ready to give us his nap.'

ummm, let me see, no! He took a 3 hour nap the previous day. And he is a regular beast by 5:30pm if he doesn't nap.

I think she was testing/ defying me. Because shit, what do I know? I am just his mother. He was a beast, J told me, "just go then", So I fucking went. I stormed out of their hotel, jumped a bus home, powered down 3 Guinness and promptly felt ill.

Friday, my birthday, big fat 32. Now, I don't own a scale, and I haven't been to a gym or doctors office recently, so purely judging by the fact that none of my fucking clothes fit me, even my "superfatpants" that I bought right after I had E - my go-to roomy pants are too small, I am the fattest I have ever been. I am pretty sure I weigh more now than I did when I delivered E. People keep asking me if I am pregnant. (2 women in 2 days but I simply can't get into it)

So we are going to be in NYC for a week. Am I crazy or does anyone want to come down and see us in the city. Megan, Maria, Francesca, I am looking at you.

Saturday, 7:10am flight out of SF to NYC. Every time j book the tickets, this is what happens. Guess what time our flight back to SF is? yup 7:10am.

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