Thursday, February 24, 2005


So I learned something new today, that I thought I would share. I am sure that some of you avid TV watchers have seen the delightful show on the Discovery Health Channel, 14 Kids and Pregnant Again Not to be confused with another cable program favorite of mine, 15 and Pregnant staring the nubile Kirsten Dunst and Park Overall as her stressed out mother. Anyhoo, apparently there is a whole genre of people, referred to as Quiverfull. Basically if I have this right - is mostly but not always - Christian couples who are letting God have total control their family planning and family size. And believe that despite how many blessings they receive, God will provide for them and their family because they are doing God's will. Here are a couple of choice quotes from the mothers of these huge family's (usually 6-10+) I am glad these ignorant women are raising broods of children to eventually set free on the world...

"I'm sorry, but you are misinformed. There is no such thing as overpopulation in this day and age. Numerous countries have zero or a negative population growth. (For statistics, please contact the National Right to Life Association.) In the United States alone, one out of every four babies die because their mothers kill them in the womb. Don't think there's enough food or land? The United States throws away tons of food each year. Millions of acres of land worldwide is unpopulated.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I believe God is doing a fine job of controlling the world's population. I don't need to worry about that. Every year He has floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanos, (need I go on?). Too bad there are so many people trying to play God. I believe he is doing an awesome job. (motherof11)

Overpopulation is a myth and an excuse to have more things and less children!! Our Priest speaks often about the myth of overpopulation. Most countries are actually experiencing a decline in population, couples are not producing enough children to replace themselves when they die. The US is becoming an "elderly" nation, who's going to take care of them?? I loved the response to the ignorant woman on why we have so many children: they will become the next doctors, nurses, cooks, etc. She'd better pray her response didn't leave the door open for people to ignore her in her time of need!! (kclfarm)


These are probably the same people who believe that global warming and the Holocaust were a myth invented by the liberal media. I swear...

We are getting a water delivery tomorrow and there is like 1-1 1/2 gal left in the thing that I am trying to drink single handedly. I am floating and literally peeing every five minutes.

While I was looking for a link to 14 kids and pregnant again. I found all these blogs and sites about 14 year olds being pregnant. I just want to cry.

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