Monday, February 07, 2005

WTFIWWP (what the fuck is wrong with people)

Warning: This may read like a moral rant from on high...

OK as of 74 hours ago, I have sworn off all of my favorite things.
that means beer, wine, caffeine, and the awful wonderful marijuana. That being said, this weekend there were tears, pounding headaches, fights, tantrums, pouting, speak of quickie divorces and general angyst.

Hold up - put your fears aside, we slept holding hands last night.

Wow that was a lot of disclaimers!

Now to the topic I was heading towards. I was hanging out in the dog park today. This lady in her mid-40's came out of the children's play-area pen. She was wearing a blue bikers helmet. She proceeded to go over by the bushes and released a powerful stream of urine. She made no attempt to hide or show shame or anything. But you know me, I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps she had a UTI, or she was simply just crazy. 5 minutes later, she came out of the children's play area (still with helmet on) with a 2 year old child in tow, who she proceeded to take over to the bushy area to the side of the park. Now, this is in plain view, she pulled the kids pants off and sat him on the ground while he SHAT in the grass. The lady was fully prepared with wipes and this was clearly not the first time it had happened, nor was it reserved for emergencies. Ok so this is disgusting.

After the kid was cleaned up she proceeded to clean the kids fucking foreskin in public. That is something I NEVER want to see.

So the lady was still sitting in the same place as where her kid just shit (shat), she proceeded to smoke a one hitter of pot directly in the kid's face. It looked like she was trying to give the kid a shottie. All the while, still wearing the helmet. The little kid was actually sitting there with his sweater over his nose. I just wanted to cry. That poor kid. What do you do? Should I have said something? Should I have done something? I feel like I witnessed child abuse, and DSS should be called.

I wish so bad that I had a camera, and that alone is almost enough for me to go and get a camera phone. I was talking with a guy who is a dog walker from the east coast, and so he spends a substantial amount of time in the park. He says every given week, he sees about 50 acts of public defecation and urination. He sees parents encouraging kids shitting in the park, this also includes all the homeless and general crazies, and I guess the extremely lazy. So fucking gross. I am utterly sicked out, and I hope you guys are too!

If anyone is a puss-rock Ben Folds fan, I dare you to try to listen to his rendition of Tiny Dancer without welling up...

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