Saturday, July 07, 2007

unfreaking believable (in the best way) or I have a dishwasher!!

So yeah,
We took the dive. the huge major dive into home ownership, in SF. We are nuts, I know, please don't tell me.
We have like, a nice house, with a dishwasher. It is in a co-op which are wildly popular in SF.
The move was a nightmare and jon and I were at each others throats. But that is how you are supposed to be when you buy a place and move. hella stressful.

This move is so fantastic for the baby. And the animals. It is great. We are all happy. Way over our heads in debt in such a way that I have to laugh.

We have no internet or phone. But I have my cell for those of you in the know.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This brings tears to my eyes! I am soooo jealous, but congratulations anyway.
