Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Vagina Day

Wouldn't it be nice if instead of celebrating some dead saint, who apparently wanted lovers to spend money on stupid crap like single roses wrapped in baby's breath and cellophane. We celebrated the vagina instead. The mysterious bodily opening that is the cause of so much pleasure and pain.

I don't know, just a thought...

In other news. Please save your money. DO NOT got and see Aviator. The movie should be called "Leo's Face, with Furrowed Brow". Awful, boring movie. Leo goes "mad" in the movie and walks around naked for a while. His ass looks like an 75 year old lady. All saggy and weird. I really disliked the movie a lot. It was a waste and I think Scorsese owes me my $10 back and he needs to figure out a way to give me back the 3 hours of my life I lost.

On the upside ^, We got to the movie really early and I was able to waste some time at the Goodwill store and scored some truly awesome roller skates. Photos to follow shortly,( as I got my vagina a new camera phone for Vagina Day, she deserves it.) So it wasn't a complete waste...

Additionally, I ate like 4 beets during the Grammy's last night so Motu had a red shit for V-day and I have been peeing pink. How festive!

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