Thursday, January 03, 2008


Last night Jon and I saw Juno. It was very good and I recommend it.

Dinner $60
Beers in "balcony bar" $13
Movies $24
Transportation $3
Babysitter $75

Was it worth it?

While we were drinking our beers I kinda picked a fight with jon. I feel very angry at him.
He drinks way too much. Not that he gets drunk until after the kids asleep, but he always has a beverage in his hand.

He really doesn't contribute around the house at all. I mean I feel retarded admiting how pissed off I am about house work. Granted he does all of our cooking. I do the majority of the E's cooking. But he leaves dirty dishes on the counter on top of the dishwasher. He doesn't do anything unless you tell him to, and then he acts insulted. But, I picked up the E's toys yesterday. I ask him repeatedly to take out the recycling/trash, then I have to do it.

This is stupid petty shit I am complaining about. Is it because I am off the Zoloft? I am angry, like, a lot. I literally just chased my cat down the hall because it was meowing too much. Wait a second, look at the date?


I hate hormones.

Am I so angry because I am off Zoloft of PMSing to beat the band? Tune in later for the exciting conclusion...

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