Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Air America hits San Francisco

I am so happy to have air america here, finally!
It is on 960 am here. I missed my liberal rhetoric.
it is strange because the lineup is a little different.

Can you believe how amazing Bill Clinton looks? I can't imagine many women who wouldn't give him a BJ now.

Yesterday I was setting up this room divider screen that jon and I had bought in Japantown. When I went to open it up there was all this dust in it. I thought "that is strange, " I took it outside and that was when the realization hit that those were termite tracks and those enourmous black moving things were Singaporian termites.

So I had to take the F'n thing on the bus and get it back to the store and exchange it.

Motu has been making this strange snorting noise. Like the noise he would make if he had swallowed some water or something. He is also sneezing. Maybe he has a cold or ragweed alergies. Do they have ragweed in California?

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