Sunday, February 11, 2007

Fun with Acupuncture

Some of you may remember my last bout with acupuncture and may have wondered why I would bother again. I have two friends that highly recommended it for depression.
Last Wednesday I called this new acupuncturist, who my babysitter referred me to, and my massage guy. Whoever called me back first, that would be my treat to me.

The acupuncturist called back first.
She had a cancellation, I made an appointment for the afternoon.

She was really nice and checked my pulses and looked at my tongue.
I laid down in the face donut and she stuck all these needles in. Right away I could tell this was different. The places she was putting in the needles were vibrating.
She put them in and left me to unblock my channels. Then she walked away.

After a while, I convinced myself that she had forgotten about me. Now I have no way to measure the amount of time I was there for. It was a while more than 1/2 an hour. I started off just saying hello and listening to my voice. And then I started calling louder and louder. I shall spare you the pathetic details. But it ended with her running - I was screaming and sobbing on the table. Immobilized by the pain of the needles (because of course I tried to get up). She finally pulled the needles out and I sat up and balled for 45 minutes. She made me tea. It was horrible. It was a traumatic experience to say the least.
She forgot a needle in my wrist and the only way I found it was after a few very uncomfortable minutes it was poking me deep in my chakra or whatever it was poking. I have a huge gnarly bruise on my wrist now.

Nothing like showing up at the mental hospital with a suspicious injury.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Dear God. What a HORRIBLE experience for you to go through. WHy did she leave you alone and for so long for a first visit??
What she did was unexcusable. Totally.
I am so sorry you had this happen on top of everything else.
Maybe you should just go with the messages from now on : )