Saturday, February 10, 2007


That stands for the Partial Hospitalization Program I started last week at our local hospital.

Yes, gentle reader, I am in a mental health facility.

Things are not getting better, they are getting worse. Despite my mental health drug regime I feel shitty and sad all the time. Dr. Liz was getting concerned that my breaks with reality were becoming too infrequent. This was the next step. The next step is inpatient.

I have come to the realization that this is not going away on its own. Also my impulse control is really almost non-existent. I have had to admit openly that my son is not safe around me and that I am not so safe around myself in my current state.

So now I go to "group" therapy with a bunch of other depressed people. Jon is taking advantage of the family leave act...

So my drugs were boosted in a major way and i agreed to go to this day program to get some perspective on my life and remove the stresses so that the medicine can work and we can all move on...

I really don't know what else to say. I am passed the point of being embarrassed.


k said...

What you are going through sounds horribly hard. I'm so sorry.

Good luck. I hope the day program helps and you feel better bit-by-bit.

I'll be thinking about you.

Jo said...

Damn.. I am so sorry to hear about all this you are going through.
I pray that the programs and medication help you to feel better.

Please do not be embarrassed.Ever.