Saturday, March 19, 2005

Bachelorette Iron Chef

When Jon travels, I always make all these promises to myself that I am going to excersise 40x a day. I am only going to eat salad and steamed vegetables. So that when he gets back he won't even recognize me because I will be a super model.
Then reality sets in. And I am making trisquit pizzas with every little scrap of cheese in the house. I just had gouda, gorgonzola and some random other cheeses on my trisquit pizza. And then I polish it all off with some Spicy V8.

I am sure I will continue to snack and eat random shit and maintain the same level of fattitude (attributed to DC-M).

Last night I was watching Legally Blonde and all of a sudden Friggin Otis is racing around the apartment dragging has ass all over the floor and the carpet. I guess he got some shit caught somewhere uncomfortable and proceeded to sling shit, rhino style, all over the friggin place. He had shit caked into his fur. I was up to my eyeballs in shit. I finally corralled him into the bathroom and locked him in there. When I let him out 30 minutes later, all the shit was gone. How fucking gross. He is a shit eater!

Otherwise I am really enjoying watching terrible tv that jon won't tolerate and generally being a shit in, oh, I probably mean shut in.
Motu however, is desperately missing his daddy and lunges at any man who looks at him and won't stop jumping on them. If they are skinny asian men- forgetaboutit.

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