Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Dirty 30

It's true.
I am.

jon left for China, his plane has probably taken off by now.
he didn't get me anything :(

baby had his 6 month wellness check up this a.m.

I am 30 and have a 18.5lbs 6 month old.


k said...

Dear Jon,

We can tell that you are a good guy from what your wife writes about you.

We can tell that she loves you very much and you love HER very much.

And it's abundantly clear that you both love your son with the fabulous ridiculousness that is the right of all parents.

However, we believe you have missed the boat on the 30th birthday of your lovely wife.

You've both endured a lot in the last 6 months. However, the intensity of what your wife has endured cannot be denied.

Let her know how you feel about her.

Do not delay.

The Internets

kristenL said...

Very sweet. I am moved beyond words.
However, he does not read my blog...

my birthday always sux. I was trying to link to last years birthday entry but, eh...