Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I posted some new photos

You can go here and see some of my pictures. Also you can look at some of my lame drawing from my pastel class.

I woke up this morning and was hungry. It was like 8 am and so I had a bowl of Cheerios. Jon got up and left for work. I put on some tv. I love PBS in the morning. So I was watching this show about Ethics in medicine and how Kant's theories apply to modern medicine. I know fascinating right?

Well I still fell asleep and had this dream I was in this like super market gym. It was super bright and everyone was dressed in aerobic gear.

Apparently, I was taking this yoga class and I was going through the motions and everything trying to remember how I got there or where I was (a little bit of lucid dreaming for you). So the class FINALLY ended, it turns out I am just as lazy in my dreams. I leave and the next class was coming in. It was a kick boxing class and I see Maria. She has her boxing gloves on and she is just as surprised to see me as I am her. We chat for a while and then her class started. Then I see James, who was the cute denim designer when I worked at Nautica. He was waiting for his class to start and he had some post cards for me(?) It was nice to see him.

So I wake up and I feel all tired and sore and there was this weird old lady exercise program on PBS. The lady was like 70 and she was exercising from a chair. But I guess now I know why there was all that counting in my dream that is not normally associated with yoga.

Sleater-Kinney is playing here in June, at the biggest venue in SF. That is weird. I am trying to decide if it is worth it to go.

It is official the Spearderline are preggers. At least she has a reason why she has let herself go.

1 comment:

k said...

Very cool. I like your pastels.