Friday, January 07, 2005


SO last night, or actually today, since I woke up at 2pm today, I blame by 100 years sleep on awesome dreams.
In Real Life (aka RL) jon and I watched an episode of sex in the city where the girls and big go to some wedding. Whatever. Big in a tux apparently left a lasting impression on me.
Because in Dream Life (aka DL) I was one of the girls and Carrie,Big, and myself got a hotel room. Carrie was my friend and I felt terrible betraying my friend but Christopher Noth (not North like I have thought my entire life until Mariel corrected me) was well so, sexy, and persuasive. He looked HOT in a tux. And I am usually not the girl falling for the dude in the tux. But so Big convinced me to run off and pork him in a public bathroom, very freshman year of me. Usually in my dreams the "sex" is just that, some vague implied notion of sex. Not in this one. Holy Shit. I was wearing this crazy sex in the city-ish red dress with miles of yardage so the skirt was quite poofy. It was hot stuff. I think I am in love with Big.
But crazily enough, I can't even have fun in my dreams with out being karmically punished. I knew my "friend" Carrie was in love with Big but I didn't care. Then there is all this commotion. It turned out that while I was with Big. Some piece of white trash had stolen Motu! Sex was easily forgotten, even hot amazing sex, in the face of theivery of my little dog. I had to rip him out of this lady's arm who was telling the cops that he was her dog and she's had him for years and I was the crazy one trying to steal her dog.
In RL, motu woke me up with many kisses because, well for fuck's sake, it was 2 in the afternoon, and even if I was dead he needed to pee!
So on our walk I took him to the groomer's and they trimmed his razor like dagger nails.

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