Monday, January 17, 2005

Financial Turmoil

So I am freakin the fuck out.
I was entertaining this fantasy re: buying a house this year (and vacationing in Mexico if you must know).
Those who know me may ask, how praytell do you plan to buy a house when you haven't worked in 2 calendar years?
No there is no trust fund, no other sugar-daddy.
I just figured it would work out.

Then today being Monday I thought I would peruse the credit cards and bank account, you know bill-y stuff.

Reality slapped me over the face like a cold bass.

Somehow jon and myself have spent something over 4k in the last month. Now granted this includes Xmas, Our at home vacation, and a decadent eating tour of SF that started Jan 2 and ended, well, yesterday.

I have even been thusly inspired to send my resume out. Because really, if I was working there would be no question or really any worry about finances. The thing is that I am not qualified for anything. Am I destined to flit from one retail nightmare to another? I applied for all jobs, on Hotjobs, that sounded interesting. At the YMCA, Planned Parenthood, Pepsi, the San Francisco Academy of Art, Pepsi, Tiffany's, and a bunch of other stuff.

Ugh, get ready for rejection or worse, silence...

I'm at the top of the world and life's a pussy buffet. - R.Kelly (Wonderful)

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