Thursday, November 18, 2004


Some things I have done that I swore I would never do:
1) Buy and wear Birkenstocks, sure they are German, but really, let's face it together, they are hippie shoes.
2) Be unemployed for more than a year in a row.
3) Hate and resent my cats to the point I am going to sell them to Gillette or another company that does animals testing.
4) Act like my father.
5) Wear gold.
6) Change my last name when I got married.
7) Blog.
8) Use personal ads to find friends.
9) Listen to Jessica Simpson without irony. This can be extended to Ashlee as well.
10) Watch and like Sex and the City, let’s not even talk about Dawson’s Creek.

and these are just the PG ones...

1 comment:

cat said...

I got a pair of birks for Christmas one year. That was almost 6 years ago. I still wear them. I'll even wear them with socks. I am so darned cool. Ha! I never thought I would wear Birks. But I do. They are crazy comfy.

It's amazing how many of those things on your list speak to me.

And thanks for comment on my blog!