Wednesday, June 15, 2005

She Bangs!

So I was all gung ho about getting my hairs cut and getting some fringe action. And lo and behold my little hair cutter in training calls me and asks if I am available for hair modeling the following day. Ummm free haircut, hells yeah.
Anyway so I get this 2+ hour hair cut and it hurts cause I am a "tenderhead" as my old roommate from college would call me.
I get my hair flat ironed and that took foreva. But my hair looked so sleek, so cool. I could have been in commercials dammit! However it was the one day it rained in SF in like weeks. It probably won't rain again for more weeks and so then my hair looked like this.
It was sad and now I have the ugliest hair I have had since the 8th grade, and that was bad...
Jon also got his haircut that day at a different salon and he paid actual money. He was very disappointed and since he got his haircut almost a week ago, he has been pouting and we have fought about his hair no less than 7 times. Sometimes it really blows being married to a chick. He said he resents me for making him cut off his hair but, fuck, it looked BAD. He thought it was the cat's meow. But eeewwww, he looked like he was wearing a hair helmet. I really hated it. He has been pouting and moody and miserable ever since. I am secretly enjoying it. He looks so handsome with short hair.
Well this was the most inane blog entry eva, HAIR!

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