Saturday, January 21, 2006

Random Rambling

I feel a little heart broken every time I put a new outfit in the "too small bag."

It is really insane that all those parenting cliches are true.

He has little pudgy hands and legs like a real baby. Also he has smelly little man pickle feet. Can you imagine anything cuter?

It is confirmed than my parents are going to come out for the first 5 days that jon is in Asia. Then maybe my MIL will come out or I will rough it for 5 days on my own.


Llama_school said...

My "too small bags" have taken over the entire underside of our bed, one chest of drawers, half of Sabra's closet and two tubs in my MIL's garage. Even the plain white onesies and cloth diapers-- I just haven't been able to let myself get rid of anything.

Jo said...

Same for me. I can't seem to get rid of anything...
Great news with the parents! That will help make things a bit smoother for you I hope. Go out and have a few hours of "me" time.
You have a very very cute baby!