Tuesday, February 28, 2006

3 months old

Baby rewarded us on his 3 month birthday by sleeping from 8pm to 4 am, officially sleeping through the night, then 4 to 7:30. Now I am not so foolish as to think this is the way it is going to be. But, it was really nice. He also grabbed out and touched an object for the first time on Thursday. And then on Saturday I got my first honest to god, unmistakable laugh. I was kissing his little cheesy neck and all of a sudden there were peals of laughter. I almost cried, it is easily the sweetest sound I have ever heard.

Jon and I celebrated our reunion this weekend with some major consuming. We packed up and headed to the Ferry Building, which is the expensive more yuppified version of my beloved Chelsea Market. At Hog Island, I consumed $12 worth of oysters in 1 minute. Then I topped off the oysters with a $12 bowl of clam chowder. You better believe it was super delicious.
They have this really great olive oil place there. If you bring in your old bottle they give you a $2 discount. On the way out of the oyster place, jon drops the bottle and it shatters. Now I had held onto this bottle for weeks. It wasn't about the $2 it was the principle of saving this bottle and then taking it all around to get it refilled. Fortunately jon knows me, and sensing my dismay, said "I'll see what I can do." Sure enough he charmed those women right out of their 2 dollar discount. I was so proud that I got the "expensive" olive oil. "Reasonable attractive man with an unreasonable adorable baby - They didn't stand a chance" no they didn't my love.

Then I dropped $25 on app. 1 lb of cheese at Cowgirl Creamery. They have this Mt Tam triple creme cheese that is literally out of this world. It has this super-soft, fuzzy out layer / encasement, so we renamed it "pet cheese." Pet cheese is so delicious, think of the creamiest most butteriest Brie you ever had. This is way better.

Somehow I was surprised when I came home and checked the balance in our checking account was $87.00.

yeah I am tacky and I like to talk about money, big woop.

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