Saturday, February 18, 2006

the 'rents

SO my moms and pops are here. They are so adorable with the baby. Making general fools of themselves just to get a glimpse of that gummy smile. I mean it is worth anything to see him laugh so I can't blame them.
But my mom is the cutest. She is terrified of all the crazy people in SF. SO that means that she is constantly freaking out and thinks everyone so trying to steal the baby. My dad is the opposite, he has been running all over the place, literally. He thinks nothing of running 8 or 9 miles in the morning and then still has endless energy to tour the city.
Unfortunately the weather has been unseasonably cold and crappy here. And it is actually warmer in MA! So that sort of blows.
It is still so nice to have them here and making a lot of the baby and I haven't had to change every diaper and my dad is actually giving him a bottle right now...
So that is kind of the boring update. I am trying to convince them to move out here. My mom is caving but my dad is unwilling to leave MA now.
It is so nice to have someone else to talk about the baby with and talk about how cute he is and conjecturing (?) about his future.
Unfortunately having them here and trying to have conversations about anything is really highlighting how unbelievably stupid I have become. I can't remember words, nothing stays in my head for longer than 3 minutes. I fear the lameness of my blog from my dumb mommy brain. It is really like being stoned 24/7. Just dumb and absentminded and fucking TIRED.

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