Monday, February 20, 2006


So my parents, they have absconded with the baby. They took milk and off they went.
I slept until 10:30!!!
That was after, at 7am this morning, the baby pissed directly into his toy bucket. Pretty good aim!
I am listening to Tim Gunn's (PR) podcast as I write. Do you know about podcasts? They are so cool.
My parents leave tomorrow, I am scared. It is really only 2 days until jon returns. I miss him so much. I spoke to him yesterday from Ft. Funston (see flickr photos) and he was about to bawl. Poor emotional daddy, it is going to be shocking to him when he sees how big he is. I feel his extra weight in my lower back every time I pick him up. My back is shot BTW. Some weird guy thought he was 7 months old. I mean he is good sized but for christ's sake, he is not that big!
ok I am going to get my nails did!

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