Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Mystery at the Old Vagina

So I went to the doctor's again on Friday trying to figure out what is happening to my labia et. all. I am so over being embarrassed by this and talking about it at length or describing in great detail to jon the deep extent of my itching.
Guess what? The nurse practitioner didn't know! At least she swabbed it and they sent it off to the lab. They gave me a mega pill to take. Isn't that nice, "no honey we don't know what it is, but take this pill" the wonders of modern medicine.
in other news to help us all recover from our illnesses. Baby has been waking up hourly or every 90 minutes all night for the last 3 nights. I am slow to say he is teething but there is a little white mound on his lower gum and I can't imagine what else to call it.
Between IV (itchy vagina) and no sleep, I am so fucking grumpy it isn't funny.
So that is what occupies my day. Oh and buying Robeez on eBay and then bitching about them to the seller. Caveat emptor right?

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