Thursday, April 06, 2006

It seems like a million years

Since I last wrote but it was really only a week or so ago.

Jon has been ill. coughing and stuffy, not too bad but not too helpful. He chastised me this weekend for not being sympathetic enough, I was just like 'sorry babe, I just don't have anything left for you.' Then that made me feel kind of sad.

He stayed home from work yesterday. I took the opportunity to go to urgent care and get my tootsie looked at because something was awry downtown. I am unsure what. And after three hours of waiting, neither did the doctor. (WARNING TMI FOLLOWING)
At my 6 week check up I had a vaginal cyst located over my stitches. I was pretty sure that it was infected, since for the last week or so it was all red, swollen, and itchy. It was nice to reaquaintance myself with my gingham which had been my forsworn enemy since the birth of the baby. I was mad at it for not being the same. It was slightly alarming when I finally took mirror in hand to investigate. My stitches/rip has not healed to be "better than before" as promised. It look like a bad sewing job. And m'lady seems to be a different colour - an angry crimson instead of the lovely pink of yore.
So now I am attacking it with various creams and potions. Maybe it has to do with my post partum bladder problem, and the pee is irritating my flaming lips.

Yeah you think it is disgusting to read about try having it.

1 comment:

Brett said...

Oh, no!! I hope that goes away STAT! Guess I won't ask you about the yet.