Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I have this strange feeling of weirdness. Like almost a dizzy feeling. I am going to see how it goes and then maybe call jon in a little while if I don't feel less weird.
My blood pressure was elevated yesterday at my appointment and it has been "good" the whole time. SO perhaps that is the culprit for my light headed feeling. Maybe I should take a nap, I have been awake for 3 1/2 hours, now and I already made a meatloaf.
I made a meat loaf for dinner tonight. And maybe it was being on my feet and being over a stove and stuff. I don't know. I just ate a whole bunch of grapes to maybe make me feel better.

I really want to see the Harry Potter movie.


Carrie said...

Erm, not an auspicious entry to have when you're 38 weeks pregnant and disappear for a few days...

Hope all is well!

Llama_school said...

Ooh, good vibes to Kristen. Update us when you can!