Friday, November 18, 2005

When New Yorkers say 'fuck you' they mean 'have a nice day' when Californians say 'have a nice day' they mean 'fuck you.'

Incident #1
I was at Trader Joe's totally spacing out in front of the various sauces and things not even looking, just staring through them. Eventually I turn around after taking my sweet time and there is this woman glaring at me. Staring daggers at me. What the fuck? So I said, oh I didn't hear you say excuse me. Why get all pissy and passive aggressive? Say fucking excuse me like a normal impatient person.

Incident #2
I get on the bus yesterday and it was really crowded. The bus driver yells, 'Somebody let her sit down.' nobody moves they all just stare at me, unmoving. So she yells again, 'I ain't moving this bus until she gets a seat.' Finally some guy gets up. Unreal though, who could just sit there with a 9+ month pregnant woman wobble around on the bus. People in NYC may be assholes, but I never saw a pregnant woman standing on the subway. It is called fucking manners.

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